I’ve been relatively quiet lately… here’s what I’ve been up to: Working! I tallied up the total number of vacation days I’ve used this year. The total was 4. That’s right, I’ve only had 4 days off of work this whole year. How sick is that? Well, I plan on remedying that over the next…
Originally published at Kickin’ the new Kuh-nowledge. You can comment here or there. As I have hinted at in the past, Liz and I decided to get a roommate/tenant. At first we were hoping to get a grad student, and we had some interest from a few. Unfortunately, none of those really worked out. Grad…
House Quake!
In honor of the tremor we just felt here in Urbana. Yes, we actually had an earthquake… right here in the middle of Illinois. I bring you… Housequake (by Prince, of course). Enjoy. –sam p.s. It was a minor tremor and I don’t think anything was damaged. We’re all OK.
Next Weekend is Made of Awesome
Two things are happening in Shamu’s Bandana (Champaign-Urbana to the uninitiated) next weekend of vital importance to national security to all of you awesome blossoms out there (well, maybe only to the ones that live here, but you get my drift). The Pygmalion Music Festival. Who knew that Shampoo-Banana had its very own music festival.…