Liberal Bias in the Media?

Copied from Networks down By Eric Boehlert From the moment on “Today” Monday morning when NBC’s Katie Couric asked Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., whether she had initially been left off the prime time speaking schedule for the Democratic convention because the Kerry/Edwards campaign feared she would “overshadow” the current ticket, TV news outlets…

Bonnie Prince Billy

Shayan dragged me out to see Bonnie Prince Billy on Monday night. Shayan’s brief description didn’t make him sound too impressive… and Shayan hadn’t really seen the fellow perform before, but I went anyway. I mean… how often do close personal friends visiting from the other side of the country invite you to a show?…

Weight Watchers…

Well… I’m back on the wagon. I’m counting calories and watching what I eat. I’m bound and determined to get into that bikin… uhm… my favorite clothes. It’s not so much that I want to look good… I mean… have you seen me? I’m friggin’ HOT! 😉 I just need to get up on the…