Thank You…

I just wanted to send my thanks to everyone that sent a card, offered their condolences, sent flowers or gave the gift of food. It was all appreciated. Thank you so very much. It’s good to know you are all out there. It helps… a lot. Thank you. 🙂 Love, –sam


I’m not one to post about my personal life very much… especially about those near and dear to me. As you may recall, I posted about a year ago that my mom was in chemo therapy for cancer. She originally had breast cancer, but it wormed its way into the rest of her body. She…

Gunnerkrigg Court

Scott McCloud pointed me to this webcomic by Tom Siddell. It’s sorta like Harry Potter, but the kids aren’t wizards in training. If you’re a fan of that series of books (of which I haven’t read a one, but have heard your recommendations), you should enjoy this series. Enjoy!

A meme, but not mine…

I’m not a meme person, but there are people here that enjoy this kind of thing so I thought I would send a note about one from our dear friend . List five bands or albums or songs that you are genuinely embarrassed to have liked in the past. Genuinely embarrassed, I said–something that…