Say Hello…

Hi gang, just thought I would inform you all of my new cell number… 217-778-4140 If you need to get a hold of me… just call that number or display the “Sam” signal and I’ll arrive as quickly as possible in the Sammobile. 😉 –sam

Sweet home Shampoo-Banana, where the skies are so blue…

I arrived in Shampoo-Banana yesterday afternoon, had lunch with the beautiful and talented Mrs. Lalato, put away the stuff I brought up with me and passed out on the bear chair. Speaking of the bear chair… it’s been reupholstered with fake fox fur. It looks sassy. 😉 I have the big interview with the Chicago…


So I somehow made it to Nashville without any problems… and in record time. Since I arrived so early, I think I’m going to take a look at downtown and maybe check out a country music show. I’m not a fan of country, but if you’re in the country music capitol of the world… you…

Tonight! Tonight! I’m on my way… just set me free… HOME SWEET HOME!

I’m at my sisters house this morning. We’re going to grab a bite to eat, and then I’ll be making the trek north. I’ll be stopping tonight at the Super 8 in Whites Creek, TN. Wish me luck! See you soon, honey! 🙂 And to the rest of you along my path… beware. I’m coming.…

Still Lookin’

About a month and a half ago I applied for a job in Springfield, IL. It was kinda sorta related to what I do, but it required a bunch of knowledge I didn’t have. I had completely forgotten about it until today when someone called me for a phone interview. There is a reason you…