Jet lag is killing me… I just want to sleep, but instead I have to sit in my tiny office and pretend to work. –sam
Tom Jones: Knight!
Tom Jones has been knighted! Nuff said… Jamie Dee Galey already drew a comic for this momentous event… Saint Charles Bronson… INDEED!
Coming Home…
In 30 minutes we catch the shuttle to the airport for the first leg of our journey home. I’ll miss New Zealand, but not nearly as much as I miss home right now. We arrive in L.A. at 1:40 PM on March 27th. It seems odd to say that because as I write this it…
But I am Le Tired…
Liz and I went Sea Kayaking today. Let’s put it this way… Sea Kayaking with a messed up rudder is a test of your relationship. A test on which we probably got a C-, at best. The second half of the kayak had a fixed rudder… and because of that, we’ve decided that we might…
What’s so hard about driving (on the left side of the road)?
1. The blinkers are on the right side of the steering wheel. The windshield wipers are on the left side. Hilarity ensues. 2. The gear shift is obviously on the right, where it should be, but your brain will always take a few seconds to register it. 3. Left hand turns are the hardest to…
Greetings from the other side of the planet!
Hello Everyone… We’ll, we’re in Auckland, NZ right now at an internet cafe. Here’s a quick run down of what has transpired thus far… The Cook Islands was a blur. The time difference there is 5 hours earlier than Florida. It took us a while to get used to that, but who cares about time…
And Away We Go…
It’s 9 Hours til our flight to LA. We’re both excited and nervous. Excited because it’s going to be quite an adventure. Nervous because there is an element of the unknown when you travel… All the what if scenarios start playing in your head. I promise to take a lot of pictures. We can take…
Thanks and Honeymoon!
First off I want to thank everyone for helping me and Liz celebrate our marriage.
So This is It
Well folks… I’ve somehow made it this far. Today is my last day of “freedom”. I had a bachelor’s night on the town Thursday. I was sloppy drunk. Boy am I glad David was driving. Yesterday I had motion sickness until late in the afternoon. Every trip in a car was an adventure in…